Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Cancer is Tough, but God is Faithful!

Every day is a gift from God, a reason to rejoice and be glad but today brings an even greater reason for me to rejoice and be glad.  It’s been over 3 years since I heard the words, “I’m sorry, your son has cancer”.  No parent could ever be prepared to hear those heavy words, nor could they be prepared for the outcome of those words: to watch their child suffer.  With 3 years under our belt, we’ve become comfortably numb to fighting cancer, it has become the familiar way of life.  On a nightly basis, I play Doctor and administer chemo to my son like it’s just another thing that moms do.  We go to the hospital for treatments and are accustomed to all the needles and tests…it’s become routine. Barf….well it’s just part of our everyday life and we got it handled. Being a mama of a warrior hasn’t been easy but, I will tell you there hasn’t been a single moment that I haven’t been able to see the hand of God throughout my son’s battle. Yes my friends, cancer is tough, but God is faithful!  It’s been in the darkest times in life that I’ve seen the light of God shine the brightest.  God is so good!  I can’t put into words what my heart feels right now…I am so thankful.  I am just so, so, so thankful.  This morning, my son received his last lumbar puncture chemotherapy and last IV chemotherapy!! Hallelujah!  He has only one month more of chemotherapy at home to complete his treatment plan.  His battle against cancer is almost over!  I’m so proud of how hard my son fought and know it’s the grace of God that gave him the strength to do so.  I am so honored to be his mama and when I think of everything he’s made it through, it drops me to my knees…God is so good, so faithful, and I’m so grateful.  For those who have supported and prayed for Dominic on his journey, I want to say I love you and from the bottom of my heart, thank you!   Although we'll still be seeing them quite a bit, I want to also thank Dr. K, all of the nurses and staff at Loma Linda Children's Hospital, you will forever hold a special place in my heart for the great care and love you gave to Dominic during these years.  And so my friends, as this battle comes to a close; my soul is filled with hopeful expectation of what the future holds, my heart overflows with gratitude, and my mouth is filled with praise to the one who was faithful through it all.
 ~Psalm 34:1~ ~ Romans 8:28~


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Get Your Hopes Up!

Image: 31 Ministries

Have you failed more diets than you can count? Have you lost hope that you can be successful in living a healthy lifestyle?  Does weight loss seem impossible to you?  Take hope my friend, this message is for you! For many years, I believed the lie that weight loss wasn’t possible for me and I had quite the impressive track record of failed diets to prove it.  The desire to be healthy was there but each time I set out to change, deep in my mind the seed of failure was already planted and it would only be a matter of time before that seed took root and was harvested in my life.  Similar to a garden, if left unattended weeds will hinder the growth of your crops and even destroy them.  Are there seeds of failure planted within you that are choking out the possibility for the successful results you desire?  Perhaps it’s time to follow the advice of a popular old school rap song, “You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!”  It’s time to examine your thoughts, are there negative thoughts and mindsets you have been embracing that are taking root and choking out all of your good efforts? Check those thoughts! When thoughts of failure, negativity, “I can’t”, and “It’s too hard” enter your mind, you need to recognize them for what they are…lies! Get rid of those suckers before they take root and rob you of your harvest!  There are far too many people who have embraced the lie that they can’t lose weight, that they are too far gone! Perhaps you are one of these people and today I want to encourage you and say, “GET YOUR HOPES UP”! It’s time to rebuild!  It’s time to try again! My friend, don't ever believe the lie that your temple is beyond the point of repair! It doesn't matter how many times you've tried before and failed, how old you are, how many pounds overweight you're never too far gone to restore your temple!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Time Saving Meal Prep Tips

The lifestyle of meal prepping has grown in popularity recently among the weight loss and fitness community, although it is certainly not a new concept, as it has been practiced by bodybuilders for years.  The growing popularity of meal prepping is with valid reason.... it works!  I'm sure you've head the overused phrase, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail" but for those wanting to shed those unwanted pounds, a solid action plan is a necessity.  Meal prepping is an incredibly effective tool in which you are preparing and portioning meals beforehand, which can be taken with you anywhere to ensure you are eating the ideal foods and portions to help you reach your specific goals.  Despite the many benefits of meal prepping, many people are intimidated by it and completely avoid meal prepping because they believe they simply do not have the time in their schedule to do it.  Meal prepping doesn't have to be some big production involving hours in the kitchen!  Here are some time saving tips for meal prepping that will allow those even with the most hectic schedules be able to live the "Tupp life" :-) 

  • Prioritize Protein 

If you are short on time and only have time to prep one thing, choose protein. Protein takes the longest time to prepare so if you don't have some on hand ready you'll be more likely to turn to the convenience of a restaurant or fast food joint when in a time crunch or when you're super hungry.  By having some prepared protein on hand at all times, you can dice it up and throw it on a quick salad or microwave a side dish to pair with it.  
  • BBQ Time Saving Chicken Meal Prep Method
When it comes to preparing chicken, personally, I like to BBQ chicken because to me it tastes better then other cooking methods.  To cut down on grilling time, I slice chicken breasts super thin and pound them with a meat mallet to make them more tender.  The thinner slices cook much quicker then entire breasts would take.  If you're really pressed for time, most grocery stores do sell chicken breasts that are already sliced thin to save you the time of slicing them yourself.

  • Fit Men Cook Time Saving Chicken Meal Prep Method

Food and Fitness author and blogger, Kevin Curry of, has a lot of awesome healthy recipes and tips for those looking to live a healthier lifestyle.  If you haven't checked out his website or the work he has done for, I highly recommend you check it out!  One of my favorite tips he shares for saving time on meal prepping is his method of using tin foil to divide a baking sheet to cook 3 different types of seasoned chicken at the same time.  He also dices the chicken into smaller pieces to allow for quicker cooking time in the oven.  You can find the instructions here for this method!

  • Roast 2 Different Vegetables with Similar cooking Times at the Same Time
One of my favorite ways to cook vegetables when meal prepping is to roast them in the oven on a baking sheet.  Roasting allows for a flavorful taste without the sogginess that other cooking methods bring.  Also the roasted vegetables seem to keep better in the refrigerator than other methods.  To save time you can roast 2 different vegetables at the same time that have similar cooking times, for the meal prep below, I roasted 2 pounds of asparagus and 2 pounds of brussel sprouts at 450 degree for about 15-20 minutes, they were sprayed with non-stick olive oil spray and seasoned with salt and pepper, super quick and simple.

  • Save Even More Time by Buying Pre-cut Vegetables
If you're really crunched for time, most grocery stores sell pre-cut vegetables that will save you the chore of having to clean and cut the vegetables yourself.  Although this seems like a small convenience, when you're preparing multiple vegetables at a time it will save you quite a bit of time.

  • When All Else Fails...It's OK to Cheat
Have no shame in cheating in your cooking by using convenience items such as precooked rice and steam in the bag vegetables.  Sure, fresh may be healthier for you but if this is the only option you have time for and it makes the difference of eating healthy or not then by all means do it! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mexican Meal Prep: Chile Lime Marinated Chicken Breast and Cilantro Lime Brown Rice

When it comes to meal prepping, it's easy to get caught up in the same boring routine of finding what works and sticking to it.  But who wants to eat the same boring crap everyday?  Spice up your life my friends and liven up your mundane meal prep with this Mexican inspired meal!  The marinade for this chicken was inspired by one of my faves- pollo asado, which is traditionally made with a fattier cut of chicken such as legs or thighs, by using chicken breast instead it makes it much leaner and a healthier option for those cutting calories.  This chicken pairs up nicely with cilantro lime brown rice which is also a lightened up version compared to traditional Mexican rice.  For this prep, I paired some simple grilled asparagus to complete the meal but a lot of different veggies would work with this combo! 

Chile Lime Marinated Chicken Breast


1 pound chicken breast sliced thin and pounded with meat tenderizer 
6 oz. pineapple juice or orange juice
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 tablespoon olive oil
8 cloves garlic minced or roughly chopped
1 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon or more (depending on heat preference) Chile powder 
optional-1 jalapeno chopped for additional spice


Place all ingredients in large ziplock bag and marinate at min. 4 hours to overnight. Grill chicken over medium heat until fully cooked.  Let meat rest several minutes before serving or placing in your sexiest Tupperware containers. 

Cilantro Lime Brown Rice


2 cups prepared brown rice
1/2 - 1 cup chicken broth or bone broth
6 green onions diced
2 cloves garlic minced
1/2 cup freshly chopped cilantro
juice of 1-2 limes 
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil non-stick spray


In large non-stick skillet, over medium heat spray non-stick olive oil spray and saute diced green onion and minced garlic for 2 minutes or until garlic is slightly browned.  Add chicken broth, rice, and lime juice. Reduce heat and simmer until liquid is almost fully absorbed.  Add cilantro, salt and pepper to taste and simmer until liquid is absorbed. Serve with additional cilantro if desired. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Mom, I need you to know… A Word of Encouragement for all Mothers

As mothers, we often doubt ourselves.  Are we making the right choices?  Are we accurately conveying to our children the immense amount of love that our hearts hold for them?  Are we teaching them through our own example, how to love others?  I’ll be the first to confess that there are many times I’ve felt like I was totally failing at this whole motherhood thing.  But after a lot of prayer about my own shortcomings the truth was pressed upon my heart that there are far too many amazing mothers out there who’ve been living with doubt, guilt, and shame about their role as a mother, when the truth is they’re doing a darn good job at loving their children.  As mothers, many of us tend to focus on where we’ve missed the mark or what we’re not but our children view us from a much different perspective. It’s my deepest hope for any mother who reads this that it speaks to your heart and helps you discern any lie you’ve possibly been believing regarding your role as a mother.  From one mother to another, may you be blessed as you shake off any lies and begin to walk in the truth of your true identity as mother. If we were to ask our children to share their perspective of us, here's what they might say...

To the Moms of younger children:

Mom, I need you to know that you are the most important person in my life and there is nobody in this world that can hold the special place you hold within my little heart.  While it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of this crazy life, trying to meet everyone’s needs, I really just want you to spend time with me.  I know there are days when you look in the mirror and can barely recognize yourself, you give so much to me that it often comes at the expense of yourself. But Mom, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.  I don’t care what size dress you wear, if you’re wearing makeup, if the house is spotless, or what kind of car you drive- I think you are perfect just the way you are!

To the Mom whose children are grown:

Mom, I need you to know you did a good job raising me and although I may not tell you this, you made me the person I am today.  I am forever thankful that you demonstrated to me what love really is all about.  You selflessly put my needs before your own so many times.  You loved me regardless of the mistakes I made.  Mom, I really don’t know how you did all that you did and made it look so easy.  You truly are an amazing woman and I hope I can love others as well as you love me.

To the Single Moms:

Mom, I need you to know that I honestly don’t know how you can love me the way that you do and meet so many needs by yourself.  I don’t know how you loved me so deeply during the times when your own heart was completely broken, but you did it well.   I know there are days that are so hard you think you can't handle it all on your own, but mom, you are stronger than you know and you’ve shown me that over and over again. I know there may be times when you see your circumstances and are sad that there is something you can’t give to me that you wish you could.  But Mom, I want you to know I’m not focused on what you can’t give, all that matters to me is that you’re with me and that you love me.  The love you provide is worth so much more than any material object you could ever give me.  You are so special to me and I treasure every moment we spend together.

To the Moms whose own Mothers are no longer here:

Mom, I need you to know how strong you must be that you can love me so well even though a significant piece of your own heart is forever gone.  You truly know the special role that a mother holds because your own mother is no longer here and you miss her every day.  I know you wish you could turn back the hands of time, so that you could see her smile one last time, giver her another hug, and tell her how much she means to you.  There are so many special moments when you wish that she were still here to share them with us.  You often wonder, would she be proud of the woman you’ve become?  But mom, I need you to know that I am proud of you and the best way to honor your mother’s legacy is to love others like she loved you.

To the Moms with a sick or special needs child:

Mom, I need you to know how much you mean to me.  All the sleepless nights you sat by my side to take care of me, all the tearful prayers you prayed by my hospital bed, how calm you remained when the doctors didn’t have answers, the smiles and assurance you gave me when I was scared are the very things that got me through the hard times. You have a servant’s heart mom, you always make sure my needs are met before your own.  I know the thought of having a child with such a need as mine was never something that crossed your mind as you carried me in your womb but I need you to know there isn’t another woman in this world I would want for my mother.  God made you special mom, I know it could only be him who has given you the extra grace, strength, and love you have to care for me the way you do. 

To the Moms whose children have gone astray:

Mom, I need you to know that it’s not your fault that I have gone astray.  Chains of addiction, crime, brokenness, and the like were never anything you envisioned for my life.  I know all the sleepless nights you’ve faced, all the prayers you’ve prayed, all the tears you’ve cried, and all the pain I have caused you.  I ask for you never to give up on me or to stop loving me.  I think of you often even though you may not hear from me and I’m sorry things are this way. Mom, I thank you for never losing hope for me even when things look hopeless and for always having the faith that I can be restored to who I truly am and that I can one day break free from these chains that have got a hold on me.  

To all Mothers:

Mom, you are more than enough.  It’s never been about perfection but about love and you do such a good job at loving me.  In a world that is filled with darkness, hate, evil and pain, your love shines so beautifully.  I know no matter how old I am, I can always turn to you for comfort when life gets hard.  I could never tell you with mere words the value that you hold in my life.  The imprint you have left on my heart is huge and will last a lifetime.  I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for your love and guidance through the years.  I could never express how thankful I am for everything that you have done for me but I hope that you know how much you mean to me and how much I love you. Mom I need you to know that you are beautiful.  You are fearfully, wonderfully and perfectly made and I am so blessed that God gave me you as my Mom.