Image: 31 Ministries
Have you failed more diets than you can count? Have you lost hope that you can be successful in living a healthy lifestyle? Does weight loss seem impossible to you? Take hope my friend, this message is for you! For many years, I believed the lie that weight loss wasn’t possible for me and I had quite the impressive track record of failed diets to prove it. The desire to be healthy was there but each time I set out to change, deep in my mind the seed of failure was already planted and it would only be a matter of time before that seed took root and was harvested in my life. Similar to a garden, if left unattended weeds will hinder the growth of your crops and even destroy them. Are there seeds of failure planted within you that are choking out the possibility for the successful results you desire? Perhaps it’s time to follow the advice of a popular old school rap song, “You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” It’s time to examine your thoughts, are there negative thoughts and mindsets you have been embracing that are taking root and choking out all of your good efforts? Check those thoughts! When thoughts of failure, negativity, “I can’t”, and “It’s too hard” enter your mind, you need to recognize them for what they are…lies! Get rid of those suckers before they take root and rob you of your harvest! There are far too many people who have embraced the lie that they can’t lose weight, that they are too far gone! Perhaps you are one of these people and today I want to encourage you and say, “GET YOUR HOPES UP”! It’s time to rebuild! It’s time to try again! My friend, don't ever believe the lie that your temple is beyond the point of repair! It doesn't matter how many times you've tried before and failed, how old you are, how many pounds overweight you're never too far gone to restore your temple!
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