Saturday, August 27, 2016

No Matter the Circumstances, No Excuses!

Let's be honest, life can be hard.  Sickness, death, breakups, abuse, betrayals, and accidents are things we certainly never plan for in life.  However, painful circumstances like these come seemingly out of nowhere onto our paths and our lives are in an instant completely changed.  Nobody is exempt from troubles in this life (John 16:33).  All the money in the world, having the greatest of looks, possessing the highest level of intelligence, or maintaining the utmost level of integrity will not spare you from the trials and suffering that you may face in your life.  You can’t buy your way out of an illness, nor, will your high IQ score spare you the heartache of a painful breakup.  Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon University professor who became famous for his "Last Lecture", which he gave to faculty and students as he was battling terminal cancer, made the profound statement, that "we can’t change the hand of cards we are dealt in life, just how we play the hand”.  No matter how painful and difficult our circumstances may be, we have the ability to rise above them and not allow them to hinder us from reaching our goals in life. You may be caught in one hell of a storm in life right now and although it’s pouring, the decision is up to you if you will let the storm keep you locked up inside and at a standstill or if you will suit up anyways and venture out despite the tough conditions you face.  My friends, I encourage you to learn to dance in the middle of the storms in your life. It is important to not allow our circumstances to become our excuses for not reaching or pressing on towards our goals.  You can overcome difficult circumstances and accomplish amazing things!
As you probably know, my son is battling cancer. Through the two years that I have watched him fight this illness I have been blown away by his innate ability to not allow his circumstances prevent him from enjoying and living his life.  He could easily use his illness as an excuse to not attend school or participate in activities but his response is the exact opposite! There are days when he is physically ill with side effects from chemo but he begs to still go to school to play with his friends, who all see him for who he is, not a as a cancer patient. I know it can only be by God’s grace and mercy that a small child could dance so beautifully in the midst of their storm.  I can also tell you that he is not alone in having this approach to living with the “C” word because every time that I have sat in the children’s hospital cancer clinic where he is treated, I observe the many other amazing children who are just like him!  I have witnessed in the midst of what outsiders would assume is a cold and sad environment, groups of children- some bald, some toting iv poles behind them, some with scars from recently removed tumors- of all ethnicities and of all socioeconomic backgrounds- gather together in the center of the treatment center in what is referred to as the “playroom”. The room is filled with smiles, giggles and laughter, and unexplainable joy and together, despite some of the grimmest of circumstances, these children have fun!  They don’t discuss how unfair their circumstances are.  Nor do they make excuses for what they can’t do in life…. no, these amazingly beautiful children come together and dance through their storms!  I never would have chosen the circumstance of being a cancer mom, but my goodness, if I could only find the words to accurately convey the incredible life lessons I have learned from enduring this storm. How can children despite having incredibly hard circumstances, some who are fighting death, be capable of having the right attitude towards life’s difficulties, while most adults when caught in the storms of life are so quick to allow their circumstances to hinder them?  

Storms in this life are inevitable. Some of us may face more fierce storms than others but we all will at some point face them.  We must learn to rise above life’s circumstances and develop a no excuses attitude. Yes life may be hard, but we can’t let the storms of life stop us from perusing our dreams.  While you may feel that your circumstances have left you shattered in a million pieces on the ground, as you press on, each piece can be put back together again. And although you will never be the same as you once were before the storms, you’ll have some dings and cracks that others can see.  But there is beauty that lies within the fact that through these very imperfections and flaws, your inner light will shine through for others to see. You see friends, while no one wants to face a difficult storm in life, it’s only in these storms that we see what we’re made of, what we really believe in and what we are capable of overcoming.  The choice is yours to make: are you going to dance in your storm? Or will you allow your circumstance to become your excuse? 

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