Sunday, June 19, 2016

Want to Transform you Body? Don't Overlook Training this Muscle!

If you are serious about getting results and transforming your body, the change must first take place in your mind. The mind is a very powerful thing. While, technically it is not a muscle, it can certainly be trained and developed very much like a muscle. Have you ever heard the phrase, "use it or lose it"? When it comes to weight loss, if you do not train your mind daily to have the willpower and tenacity to endure the daily challenges of eating healthy and exercising, your chances of losing weight are incredible low. The most difficult battles with losing weight take place on the battlefield of your mind. Once the battle is won in your mind, victories in the areas of healthy eating and exercising are much easier to attain. The mind is the dwelling place to the powerhouse of virtues required for weight loss: willpower.  Similar to the mind, this virtue must also be trained daily, the more you exercise your willpower, the stronger it will become.  Merriam-Webster dictionary defines willpower as "the ability to control yourself, strong determination that allows you to do something such as losing weight or quitting smoking". There has been a substantial amount of fascinating research conducted by the American Psychological Association on the concept of willpower.  Within these studies, researchers have concluded that one's willpower is "a limited resource capable of being depleted". In other words, you only so much willpower and each time you exercise your willpower by resisting a temptation, passing on an necessary purchase, or biting your tongue when your friend hurts your feelings you are depleting a little bit of your willpower from your storage.  Similar to how the dollars in your bank account dwindle down with each purchase you make, your willpower dwindles down as you exercise it through out the day. Have you ever noticed that as the day goes on and the daily stresses of life unfold, it becomes more difficult to adhere to your healthy eating and exercise regiment?  Do you find that in the morning you find it much easier to refuse that doughnut a coworker offers you but by bedtime you're ravenously raiding the fridge?  When it comes to lack of willpower, it can be frustrating but don't lose hope friends, there is good news!  Although willpower is a limited resource, it can be trained and strengthened over time.  The American Psychological Association likens willpower to a muscle that gets fatigued when overused.  However, just like muscles get exhausted by exercise in the short term, they recover and become much stronger by regular exercise in the long term.  As you exercise your willpower towards certain things such as refusing sodas or sweets, over time it will become easier to say no and will require less willpower because it will be more of a habit or second nature.

Although you may only have so much willpower, there are certainly things that you can do to increase your success in the area of willpower when it comes to your healthy routine.  To ensure the highest levels of willpower, it is important to never completely deplete your storage of willpower.  What is the best way to attain a steady amount of willpower and not fall victim to total willpower depletion?  Implementing the following habits into your daily routine will help to boost your willpower and increase your chances of success for reaching your weight loss goals.

  1. Plan- It is imperative that you become a planner and think in advance of the daily situations in your life that are going to require willpower and have a plan to stay on track.  Eliminating all temptations in life is near to impossible but having a solid plan for the times when temptation is present will increase your chances of not giving into the temptation.  For example, if you know you will be attending a party, have a plan in advance of what you will eat and drink.  Or if you know it's going to be a hectic week, do some meal prep on the weekend so that you don't have to resort to fast food because you don't have time to cook.
  2. Get more sleep- Lack of sleep will weaken your willpower like no other. Getting a proper amount of sleep each night will help your mind function better and prevent willpower depletion.
  3. Eat regularly- Skip breakfast? chances are by lunchtime you are so hungry that you will make a bad food decision. Your brain requires fuel to function (AKA food) and if you are depriving it of the fuel it needs it's likely to backfire on you! It's important to eat regular healthy meals to keep your brain functioning at the optimal levels and your willpower steady.
  4. Have a daily routine- Our bodies and minds thrive on structure! There is a reason why children behave better when they have a set daily routine and know what to expect. If possible, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.  Additionally, try to eat and exercise the same time each day as well.   Maintaining a daily routine will keep your mind and body running like a machine.
  5. Wake up earlier- Ever hear the old phrase, "the early bird gets the worm"? There have been many studies in the area of sleep and waking up earlier.  Among the many benefits, early risers generally are healthier, happier, smarter, more productive and more successful than night owls. Waking up just ten minutes earlier each day will give you some time to plan for the day and increase your willpower.  So think twice before hitting the snooze button! 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Spicy Garlic Marinated Chicken with Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta

Spicy Garlic Marinated Chicken with Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta

I love recipes that are versatile, where you can prepare extras and then by making a few simple changes you can magically transform the leftovers into a different meal and trick yourself that you aren't really eating leftovers :-)  This spicy garlic marinated chicken with heirloom tomato bruschetta is incredible versatile. You can serve it alone with a couple simple side dishes, or on top of a bed of greens, or one of my favorite ways is to serve it on top of spiralized zucchini "zoodles".  This recipe is high in protein and low in carbs and fat.



Spicy Garlic Marinade:

Juice of 1-2 lemons
5-7 cloves of garlic,  minced
1 Tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast

Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta:

1 pint cherry heirloom tomatoes sliced into halves
1 large handful of basil, chopped
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
1 clove garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients for marinade in bowl or large plastic bag and refrigerate for at least one hour.
  2. Grill chicken or bake in oven.
  3. For bruschetta, combine tomatoes, basil, cheese, garlic, salt and pepper and stir to combine.
  4. Drizzle in olive oil and stir.
  5. Top each chicken breast with large spoonful of bruschetta

Monday, June 6, 2016

Following These 10 Simple Rules Will Help You Lose Weight

1. Track all food, caloric beverages and exercise in either a food journal or a smartphone app such as my fitness pal.

2. Eat a clean diet with minimally processed foods. Focus on God made foods- lean proteins, vegetables, natural fats and fruits.

3. Exercise daily and choose something you enjoy and will actually stick to doing.

4. Include a lean protein at every meal you consume.

5. Drink more water, aim for at least half of your body weight in ounces of water daily.

6. Prepare your own food and don't eat out.

7. Make changes to your diet gradually, too many changes too quickly can led to burn out and quitting.

8. Change your mindset from an all or nothing approach to viewing your weight loss as a journey where there will be ups and downs but you will ultimately reach your destination if you stick to it.

9. Weigh and measure all food. Yes it's a pain and a little extra work but it makes a huge difference. People grossly underestimate the amount of food they consume.

10. Make simple food swaps. Such as using chicken broth to saute vegetables instead of oil. This small change makes a big difference in reducing your calories and fat.

Photo Credits: Pixabay

Saturday, June 4, 2016

What to Eat to Lose Weight and Build Muscle

Remember that cheesy food pyramid that you probably learned about in elementary school or stared at on the side of the box of cereal you ate as a kid? Created by the U.S. government, the traditional food pyramid placed the largest dietary recommendations on consuming a diet centered on grains, bread, rice, pasta, cereal. I don't know about you, but I personally would love to eat a diet consisting of loads of carbs as the government used to advocate, it would be delicious but definitely not figure friendly! With the growing obesity epidemic in our country, the government has taken notice that their old school food pyramid needed some serious updating. The government now advocates a new visual aid, my plate for dietary recommendations and now places the largest dietary recommendation on vegetables, but the second emphasis being once again on grains.

The important fact to consider about the above referenced government dietary recommendations is that they are created to meet the ideal daily nutritional needs of a healthy individual, not an individual who is wanting to lose weight or who is looking to gain lean muscle mass. When it comes to eating for weight loss and changing body composition, following the old school food pyramid is a sure recipe for disaster!  As for dietary recommendations for weight loss and gaining muscle, instead of focusing on grains, the largest emphasis needs to now be placed on protein, as it is the essential building block for muscle. Grains should still be consumed but the focus needs to be shifted to consuming un-processed slow digesting carbohydrates and fiber rich vegetables over other types of carbohydrates. Healthy fats also play an essential role in changing body composition and weight loss. Lastly, Fruit can be consumed while trying to lose weight but the focus should be on lower sugar fruits. Sugar is sugar and if you want to change your body you have to limit your sugar intake regardless if it is natural or not. With all of this in mind, I have created a new school food pyramid as a visual guide for those seeking to lose weight or gain lean muscle mass. I am by no means a nutritionist, but I have spent several years researching this subject matter and this way of eating has helped me lose over 160 pounds. Below my diagram, I have provided a list of some food ideas for each food group category, there are many more foods that could be added to this list. My friends, I hope you find this to be a useful tool to assist you on your journey to a healthier you :-)

List of Some Clean Foods Ideal for Changing Body Composition:


Protein Powder

Slow Digesting Carbohydrates:

Sweet Potato
Brown Rice

Fiber Rich Vegetable Carbohydrates:

Green Leafy Lettuce (Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine)
Green Beans
Bell Peppers
Brussels Sprouts
Zucchini / Squash

Healthy Fats

Natural Peanut Butter
Olive Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Coconut Oil

Lower Sugar Fruits


Photo credits for New School Pyramid- Pixbay