Friday, July 29, 2016

A Beginner's Guide to Supplementing for Fat Loss

1. Supplementation for fat loss is effective when combined with proper nutrition and exercise

When it comes to losing stubborn body fat, the most important component to focus on is nutrition, followed by exercise.  When these two factors are on point, positive results will occur.  However, there may be times on your journey when you hit a plateau or when you may want to obtain results more quickly and this is when supplementation can be used to give you an extra advantage for losing body fat.  Supplementation is not necessary to lose body fat but if done properly in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise regiment it can assist to yield a higher percentage in fat loss in a shorter length of time.  We live in a society of instant gratification, we want what we want as fast as possible and with as little work as possible. Trust me, I completely understand wanting to find a quick solution that will melt the pounds away as fast as possible and I am being completely honest in sharing that I have tried almost every promising fat burning pill out there.  So let me save you hundreds of dollars by sharing that there is no magical fat burning pill that is going to make fat just melt off of your body. If such a miracle pill did exist, we all would have our dream bodies! But the reality of life is there are no shortcuts on the pathway to success and hard work is required if you want results.  I'm sure at this point you may be disappointed, as you were hoping this post would disclose a secret fat burning pill that would deliver those fast results you want! As previously mentioned, there are indeed supplements that will give you that extra advantage for fat loss and this is what this post will focus on.  Again, it is imperative to reiterate that without a diet of proper nutrition focusing on whole, unprocessed, God created foods, your training and supplement regiment will be of little to no use. Just as you can not out exercise a bad diet, you also can not out supplement a bad diet.  So before you ever consider supplementing, make sure your diet is as perfect as it can be.

2. Don't be misled by deceiving labels on fat burning supplements, know what you are actually purchasing 

When it comes to supplementing for fat loss, it is important that you analyze what exactly is in the fat burner you are considering purchasing. Fat burners contain a combination of a variety of ingredients that promise to burn fat, as well as a host of other promising benefits such as decreased appetite and increased energy.  Every fat burner is different, as there are countless combinations of active fat burning ingredients, vitamins, herbs and minerals that they can be made of. While the active ingredients found in these products may indeed be backed with the scientific proof that they are effective at burning fat, including such things as statistics and research supporting that they will work- buyer's need to be smart and not just take the manufacturer's word for truth. There is one common mishap that most consumers overlook when glancing at the ingredients in fat burners (and the manufacturer's of these products are fully aware of this).  The problem lies within the actual amount of each of the fat burning ingredients actually put into each of these fat burning pills.  More times often than not there isn't a high enough dosage of the fat burning ingredient to actually deliver any fat burning benefits to the consumer.  It is important to consider that when a research study is conducted on a particular fat burning ingredient, each participant in the study is given a set dosage of the active ingredient and the conclusions for the effectiveness of the fat burning ingredient are arrived at based on this exact dosage.  So for example, many studies have concluded that green tea extract is an effective fat burner, these studies have concluded that 400-500 milliliters is the required dosage to take to obtain fat burning results. However, many fat burning pills that have green tea extract in them and who use the promising research statistics on their labels to get consumers to choose their product over another fat burning supplement are actually including a much smaller dosage of this ingredient in their product than what has been concluded by the research studies as being required to produce fat loss.  So they are in essence greatly deceiving you my friends, presenting the statistics as a way to lure you in but not including the correct corresponding amount of the ingredient in their product that would actually give you those benefits!  In fact, when it comes to labels on fat burning supplements, many manufacturer's don't even actually disclose to the consumer the actual amount of the ingredient that is added to their product! They get away with this by listing a whole bunch of ingredients under vague umbrella term such as "proprietary blend" or "weight loss blend" and then do not provide the amount of each individual ingredient but rather an amount for the entire combination of ingredients.  Here are some examples of fat burning supplements that illustrate what I have been cautioning you about.  All of the below supplements state they are backed by clinical research, yet all of their labels listing ingredients do not give actual amounts for the active fat burning ingredients.  I'm not here to promote a certain fat burner pill, just to educate you that if you are going to invest in a product, invest in one that is honest and discloses what exactly you will be consuming when taking their product.

3. The smart way to supplement for fat loss

When it comes to supplementing for fat loss, there is a way to avoid the deception of the manufacturer's by supplementing the smart way.  The smart way of supplementation isn't for everyone- it requires being a little adventurous and will involve some experimentation and research on your behalf.   It requires more work than just picking up a bottle of fat burners at the store but the payoff will be well worth the investment of your time.  This effective way to supplement for fat loss is done by taking the active fat burning ingredients separately.  This allows you to control how much of each ingredient you will consume, which will ensure that you are receiving the proper dosage that research studies have confirmed is the correct amount to actually burn body fat. You can combine several different ingredients to receive even greater fat burning results. So in essence, in many ways I'm suggesting you become a supplement moonshiner.  There is a lot of incredible research out there that can assist you in determining what fat incinerating supplements you should take individually to make the perfect combination to help you lose fat. Remember to check your sources and make sure you are reading from a credible source, you don't want to take "bro-science" for truth.  A great amount of credible research can be found on regarding supplementation. The CEO of the website, Dr. Jim Stoppani, is an educator like me and is always researching for new cutting edge information on supplementation among many other things in the fitness world and sharing it on the website.  Once you determine what supplements you would like to try, they can be purchased at your either local supplement store or online.  Below is a list of popular research proven fat burning supplements that you may want to consider using.  I'm just briefly listing some of the benefits of the ingredient to get you started and I strongly suggest you do further research to see what is ideal for you and your body before starting supplementing with them.  I could easily write an entire post on each of these supplements due to the vast amount of research on them, so please take the time and do your research my friends- your body is your temple and you should know what you are putting into it.

Some Popular Research Proven Fat Burning Supplements

  • Green Tea Extract- supports fat loss, joint health, muscle recovery, increases energy, is an antioxidant 
  • Caffeine- Provides alertness, ability to focus, energy, supports fat loss
  • L-Carnitine- Assists turning fat into sources of energy
  • CLA-Supports fat loss and lean muscle mass, helps body burn fat instead of storing it
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids/Fish Oil- Supports fat loss, muscle recovery, heart health, joint health

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Key Ingredient to Losing Fat and Building Muscle

If you want to make serious changes to your body, nutrition is key. I would make the argument that weight loss is 90 percent diet and 10 percent exercise. As awesome as it would be, you simply can not out exercise poor nutrition. Without a solid nutritional foundation made of unprocessed whole foods, you're highly unlikely to ever obtain the results you are working so hard in the gym to achieve. When it comes to eating for weight loss and building muscle, protein is the king of all nutrients to focus on to bring optimal results. Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks for muscle. These amino acids rebuild and repair muscle tissues through out the entire body. In addition to its role of maintaining and building lean muscle mass, protein also satiates hunger more efficiently than any other nutrient, making you feel full for longer.  Furthermore, protein has a higher thermogenic effect than other nutrients, meaning your body burns more calories while digesting it.  Dr. Mike Roussell, writer and nutritionist, contends that "when protein is consumed the body burns 20-30% percent of the calories consumed through processing [digesting] it".  Lastly, there are overwhelming amounts of research studies that have confirmed that diets high in protein are ideal for weight loss and muscle growth. 

Interested in getting started in eating a diet higher in protein? Here is the information you will need to get you started!

How much protein should you eat? 

The answer to this question will vary greatly based on the authority you are asking. The American government's RDA (recommended dietary allowance) would
tell you to consume an amount much lower than what the American College of Sports Medicine or any fitness authority would recommend you consume if you are working out. In my prior post, What to eat to lose weight and Build Muscle , I discussed the obvious flaws in the government's dietary recommendations and that for an individual seeking to lose weight they were not the ideal guidelines to follow.  Research supports that eating anywhere between .8 - 1.5 grams of protein for every pound that you weight is the ideal amount for changing body composition, fat loss and muscle gains. Based from my own experience, I suggest a starting point of eating 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weigh, so a 150 pound woman would consume 150 grams of protein. Of course, like everything in life there is not a set formula that will work for everyone, it is likely you will need to adjust the number based on your body's response and needs.

What types of protein should you consume? 

Your focus should be on a variety of unprocessed lean protein sources from animals and plants.  So while yes technically bacon pumped with nitrates and preservatives may be a source of protein, it isn't an ideal choice when it comes to weight loss or your health in general. God made foods are the ideal choice. Animal sources of protein contain greater amounts of amino acids which as previously mentioned have many incredible benefits.

How much protein is in a serving of some common protein sources?

Thermogenic Effect of Food
40 High Protein Foods

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Stocking Your Kitchen for Success! The Essentials for Getting Started with Meal Prepping

To many, just the thought of meal prepping seems incredibly overwhelming, time consuming and nearly impossible for an average adult with any responsibilities to achieve. Furthermore, when most of us think of meal prepping we envision a piece of nasty, rubbery, and bland chicken breast, steamed broccoli and brown rice all packaged nicely in a Tupperware and are completely disgusted at the thought of having to eat such a thing every day.  So why would one want to even delve into the meal prep scene? Let me start by debunking the common myths surrounding meal prepping. First of all, meal prepping is only as complicated as you choose to make it. There is no need to select one day a week and spend countless hours preparing every single meal and snack you will eat for the next 7 days.  Meal prepping can be as simple as grilling some chicken and having it on hand to use through out the week or doubling a recipe you make for dinner and dividing the leftovers for future meals. Next, prep meals can consist of anything, it doesn't have to be that awful rubbery chicken boob, broccoli and brown rice. You can prep stir-frys, salads, or healthy versions of most of your favorite dishes. The purpose of meal prepping is help you stay on track with your healthy eating plan and ultimately to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals. Over the years I have found short cuts and some great kitchen gadgets that have made the meal prepping process much easier to manage.  So if you are new to meal prepping, here are the kitchen essentials I recommend to help get you started!

Cooking Utensils

  •  Food Storage Containers:  

  •  Digital Food Scale: 

  •   Measuring Cups and Spoons:

  • Good Knife and Cutting Board:

  •  Large non-stick cooking skillet
  • baking sheet

Optional but highly recommended: 

  • BBQ or grill pan
  • Vegetable spiralizer
  • Garlic Press
  • Vegetable Peeler
  • Mandolin for slicing vegetables
  • Food Processor or blender

Spices, Oils, and Condiments

Cooking Oils

  • Calorie free non-stick sprays- canola, olive oil, coconut oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Low sodium Chicken or vegetable broth- to use in place of an oil in cooking


  • Pink Himalayan salt
  • Pepper
  • Paprika
  • Cumin
  • Salt free seasoning blends (Mrs. Dash, Flavor God, etc.)
  • Red Pepper Flakes
  • Cinnamon
  • Italian Seasoning blend
  • Salt free taco seasoning blend

  • Sriracha sauce
  • Whole grain mustard
  • Bragg liquid aminos
  • Low sodium teriyaki sauce
  • Taco Sauce or Hot sauce 
  • Walden Farms calorie free sauces, syrups and dressings

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Dare to be Different! How Breaking the Rules Can Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

I've always been one to march to the beat of my own drum, the non-conformist who always had a different way of doing things then those around me. Truth be told, I spent most of my younger years feeling like the zebra in a pony show, the fact that I was different than the others couldn't be overlooked.  My strong willed approach to doing things differently frustrated the hell out of my parents and teachers alike.  In fact in school, I actually had a teacher who was so annoyed by my ways of thinking and finding different approaches to solve things, that her solution was to make me sit alone with my desk on the porch of the classroom with the door cracked open so I could hear her teach but couldn't respond! There were many times in my life when I wished I hadn't been wired the way I was and that I could just blend into the crowd. While it certainly would have been emotionally easier to blend in with the crowd, it would have also been incredibly boring for me!  I have found that I am happiest when I am being the person God made me to be and not trying to force myself to fit into the cookie cutter mold of what others think I should be.  My crazy creative ways of doing things and sense of adventure brings a smile to his face and that's all that matters.  If other's think I'm weird, laugh at me or give me the stink eye when I get too crazy, so be it, I was made to have fun!

So how does being different apply to weight loss?  When it comes to losing weight, we can be told exact formulas created by experts that lay out every detail of what we should eat and how we should exercise and these formulas may bring the results you are seeking.  But the fact of the matter is, statistically, more times often than not, these formulas (AKA Diets) fail miserably and do not deliver lasting results.  Consider this, if there were an exact formula for weight loss that worked exactly the same for everyone, we would all have our dream bodies and the weight loss industry wouldn't be making billions of dollars each year!  When it comes to losing weight, finding what works for you is ultimately what will bring the lasting results you desire. Experimentation is a necessity if you want to be successful in losing weight.  You need to be a bit of a rebel and break the "rules" created by the "experts" in order to find what works best for you. There is no point to force yourself to eat certain foods you hate or complete exercises you dread doing because forcing yourself to do those things can only last so long and eventually you will give up and fail.  Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.  Through the trial and error process, you will begin to develop a sense of what workouts and foods will bring the optimum results for you.   It's important to never lose your childlike wonder in life- your ability to explore and see things from a different perspective.  One of my favorite things to do at the gym is take a piece of equipment or a set of weights and see how many different exercises I can come up with for a specific body part.  You don't even need a gym to complete this exercise, I once came up with 53 different exercises to do using my couch... can you say box jumps, elevated push ups and tricep dips?   Ha ha, welcome to my crazy world!  If you lack in the creativity department and experimenting in this way seems overwhelming, some other ways to experiment with your workouts include trying new classes at the gym, hiring a personal trainer to show you new exercises, or trying different techniques with cardio such as intervals.  When it comes to experimenting with food, the easiest way is to try new recipes. Thanks to the internet, finding new healthy recipes is incredibly easy! Some of my favorite websites for healthy recipes are www.skinnytaste.comwww.fitmencook.comwww.rippedrecipes,com,, and It all comes down to this: you will never know what may be beneficial to you if you never try new things.  Don't be afraid to fail, some things may not work and that's ok! Dare to be different and break the rules. Don't allow fear to rob you from trying new things, it could be that new approach that ends up being the key to unlocking your weight loss success!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Burn More Calories and Fat with this Training Technique

Pick up any fitness magazine and you will like read an article discussing the benefits of H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training). This training technique is performed by performing intervals of higher intensity exercise with intervals of less intense exercise. This method is generally applied to cardio based workouts or circuit training. However when it comes to weight lifting, applying this approach to training is often overlooked. Applying H.I.I.T. to weight lifting has many benefits including burning more fat and calories and having a longer "after burn" effect where your body burns additional calories long after your workout has ended. An effective way to apply H.I.I.T. to your weight lifting routine is to use a training technique advocated by CEO, Dr. Jim Stoppani called cardio acceleration. This training approach takes your regular weight lifting routine and in between your lifts where you would traditionally take a timed rest period, you instead do a timed cardio interval. Your cardio intervals could be exercises such as jumping rope, full body cardio based movements such as burpees, ball slams, battle ropes, box jumps, or simply running in place. The goal is to increase your heart rate, so your cardio intervals should be intense and leave you breathless. After you complete a cardio interval you immediately complete the next set of your lifting exercise. A good place to begin is to add cardio acceleration intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on your fitness level. This approach to training burns more fat since your heart rate stays elevated the entire workout due to the cardio acceleration intervals, in turn, fat is burned as you lift and build lean muscle. Cardio acceleration is one of the quickest ways to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously. In a 2008 study by USC, researchers studied 3 groups of individuals- those who lifted weights, those who completed just cardio based exercises and a hybrid group that completed weight training with cardio acceleration intervals. The hybrid group had drastically greater results in fat loss, muscle gains, flexibility, recovery and increased endurance.  So if you are seeking to lose body fat and gain lean muscle, consider giving cardio acceleration a try!