Friday, July 1, 2016

Burn More Calories and Fat with this Training Technique

Pick up any fitness magazine and you will like read an article discussing the benefits of H.I.I.T (high intensity interval training). This training technique is performed by performing intervals of higher intensity exercise with intervals of less intense exercise. This method is generally applied to cardio based workouts or circuit training. However when it comes to weight lifting, applying this approach to training is often overlooked. Applying H.I.I.T. to weight lifting has many benefits including burning more fat and calories and having a longer "after burn" effect where your body burns additional calories long after your workout has ended. An effective way to apply H.I.I.T. to your weight lifting routine is to use a training technique advocated by CEO, Dr. Jim Stoppani called cardio acceleration. This training approach takes your regular weight lifting routine and in between your lifts where you would traditionally take a timed rest period, you instead do a timed cardio interval. Your cardio intervals could be exercises such as jumping rope, full body cardio based movements such as burpees, ball slams, battle ropes, box jumps, or simply running in place. The goal is to increase your heart rate, so your cardio intervals should be intense and leave you breathless. After you complete a cardio interval you immediately complete the next set of your lifting exercise. A good place to begin is to add cardio acceleration intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on your fitness level. This approach to training burns more fat since your heart rate stays elevated the entire workout due to the cardio acceleration intervals, in turn, fat is burned as you lift and build lean muscle. Cardio acceleration is one of the quickest ways to burn fat and gain muscle simultaneously. In a 2008 study by USC, researchers studied 3 groups of individuals- those who lifted weights, those who completed just cardio based exercises and a hybrid group that completed weight training with cardio acceleration intervals. The hybrid group had drastically greater results in fat loss, muscle gains, flexibility, recovery and increased endurance.  So if you are seeking to lose body fat and gain lean muscle, consider giving cardio acceleration a try!

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