Sunday, August 14, 2016

Overcoming Gymtimidation: A Beginner's Guide to Surviving the Gym

We know the necessity of exercising in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but for many, the thought of joining a gym elicits such powerful emotions that it's much easier to just avoid the gym completely. The fears associated with going to the gym are very real and if you are experiencing them, you are not alone!  A recent UK weight loss study, found that, "many people avoid exercise because they are blighted by 'gymtimidation'".  The term "gymtimidation" is a slang term that refers to the, "fear of working out in a gym because everything from the crazy contraptions to the seriously ripped bodies are extraordinarily intimidating".  When it comes to feeling intimidated at the gym, the UK study concluded that women were twice as likely to feel embarrassed or self conscious while exercising than men. In fact, the feelings brought on by "gymtimidation" are so common among exercisers, that a popular gym chain has capitalized on them by addressing "gymtimidation" in their advertisement campaigns.  These advertisements present a depiction of a commonly experienced intimidating gym experience and afterwards they take a stand against such "gymtimidation" and suggest that it does not occur within their gyms.  When it comes to being intimidated and fearful about going to the gym, I have been there too my friends.  I have shared in my own weight loss story that even though I had purchased a gym membership, it took me over 3 months to actually use it because I was so fearful of stepping into a gym.  It is important to not allow the anxieties you may have regarding the gym cause you to avoid it altogether. As I stated in my recent post, The Thief of Gains..., fear is the most destructive mindset you will encounter on your journey to becoming healthy and it will hinder your success if you don't address it quickly. My friends, I ensure you that once you face your fears of going to the gym, you will likely realize like I did, that the gym really isn't as bad as you had envisioned it to be. For those of you who may be experiencing "gymtimidation" right now, here are some tips to make your experience with the gym more comfortable.

Beginner's Guide to Surviving the Gym

  1. Workout during off-peak hours- If you're new to the gym, going during the less crowded times will allow you to become comfortable in the setting and also the opportunity to explore the machines without having to wait in line for them or feel rushed by someone waiting for the machine. Gyms are generally most crowded in the early to mid morning and then in the late afternoon to evening.  So your best bet to beat the crowds is to workout anytime between 10:30 am to 3:00 pm if possible.
  2. Hire a Personal Trainer- If the thought of trying to figure out how to use the machines in the gym or what exactly you should do for a workout overwhelms you, hire a personal trainer to show you!  Many gyms will offer a free trial session or will give you a discount on training packages when you purchase a gym membership.  Take advantage of these offers! 
  3. Try a Group Exercise Class- Many hold misconceptions when it comes to group exercise classes, envisioning a drill Sargent type boot camp workout or a perfectly choreographed aerobic routine like those advertised on TV infomercials.  But in reality, most of the class participants are just like me and you and the instructors give variations of the exercises for different fitness levels so everyone can get a good workout.  Group classes are a great way to not only learn new exercises but also to meet friends that are also working on similar goals as you. We weren't meant to do life alone, even if you're antisocial, a few gym pals, will make the gym atmosphere more comfortable and fun!
  4. Bring Earphones- Many studies have shown the positive effects of listening to music while working out.  There just seems to be something that happens if you have a great playlist playing while working out, where you can tune out all the distractions and get a great workout. 
I love a good laugh, so I couldn't pass on including the below video that a friend sent me, which makes light of what you may be thinking working out at the gym might be like.

UK Weight Loss Survey
Gymtimidation Definition

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